We are a small group of dedicated activists who find that by working with animals & nature, we enhance our human experience to discover one of the great faces of the Divine.
We focus primarily on education, internships, networking & hands-on experience but not at the expense of a needed rescue.
‘creative activism’
We micro-finance educational & internships programs in Assisi with a focus on animals & the environment.
Our current focus is the hill town of Assisi located in Central Umbria 2 hours north & south of Rome & Florence respectively. Assisi is the birthplace of St Francis, patron saint of birds, of the animals, of the environment & of Italy.
If interested in participating in our ‘voluntourism’ program, please contact us here.
Currently ‘voluntourism’ opportunities for Assisi and Umbria.
“one small act of kindness is worth more than a hundred heads bowed in prayer”
Consider 1% of the 5 million visitors to Assisi returning home & committing one small act of kindness per day.
Consider 1% of the more than one billion Catholics.
‘moderation thru education’
a free place to stay in exchange for 3 hours/day volunteering (tabling, helping local shelters, cleaning litter, grooming cats etc etc). This is an opportunity to stay in places such as Central Italy for free.
Explore Umbria & Tuscany and do good!
The Tau is the symbol of St Francis. The Paw reminds us of the compassion & humanity of St Francis manifested whenever we help an animal in need.
Paw-in-Tau Foundation
PO Box 15412
Seattle, WA 98115 USA